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  1. How to install pymysql

    This is how I install pymysql

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools
    curl -L https://github.com/PyMySQL/PyMySQL/tarball/pymysql-0.6 | tar xz
    cd PyMySQL*
    sudo python3 setup.py install
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  2. Clean install of Noobs

    This is how I make a clean install of NOOBS with LAMP

    Firstly, I put the 8Gb SD card in the reader. Then I copy and paste the NOOBS from my harddrive, to the SD card.

    The the RPi is booting, and resizing the SD card. Whens that's done, I …

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  3. Raspberry Pi 3.5" Touch Screen

    3.5" Touch display

    To install the drivers, do this:

    sudo rm -rf LCD-show 
    git clone https://github.com/goodtft/LCD-show.git 
    chmod -R 755 LCD-show 
    cd LCD-show/
    sudo ./LCD35-show

    To return to HDMI, do this:

    chmod -R 755 LCD-show 
    cd LCD-show/ 
    sudo ./LCD-hdmi

    To rotate screen and swap mouse …

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  4. Raspberry Pi Touch Screen

    7.0" touch screen

    The first thing is to start with a fresh installation of Rasbian. To be sure you are up-to-date do this:

    sudo apt-get update

    sudo apt-get upgrade

    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

    sudo apt-get install rasberrypi-ui-mods

    sudo apt-get install rasberrypi-net-mods

    Then connect it like this:

    If you need to …

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  5. Raspberry Pi - Autostart a program


    Sometimes it is handy to start an application right after boot time. This is how I did it, to start chromium-browser in fullscreen mode.

    cd .config
    mkdir lxsession
    cd lxsession
    mkdir LXDE-pi
    cd LXDE-pi
    nano autostart

    This is the autostart file: Autostart

    Another autostart file, which hides the "Chromium didn't …

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  6. How to install LAMP on Raspberry Pi

    This is how I install LAMP server on my Pi's

    After a fresh Rasbian installation I do the following:

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y apache2 php7.0 libapache2-mod-php7.0 mariadb-server phpmyadmin

    Logon credentials for myphpadmin: Username: myphpadmin Password: password entered during installation

    If you do not get any …

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  7. Raspberry Pi and 2 x 16 LCD

    Install library from Adafruit

    git clone https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Python_CharLCD.git

    cd ./Adafruit_Python_CharLCD

    sudo python setup.py install

    sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev scons swig

    Lots of stuff running across the screen, but it ends with:

    Finished processing dependencies for Adafruit-CharLCD==1.1.1

    sudo apt-get install rpi

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  8. Raspberry Pi,2 x 16 LCD and web scraping

    This program log on to a website, and get som information.

    The import block:

    import time
    from time import gmtime, strftime
    import socket
    import Adafruit_CharLCD as LCD
    import requests


    time_counter = 0
    lcd_rs  = 25
    lcd_en  = 24
    lcd_d4  = 23
    lcd_d5  = 17
    lcd_d6 …
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  9. Motion.conf - file

    This is a copy/paste of the localhost:8080 file settings.

    <– back
    Camera 0
    daemon = on
    process_id_file = /var/run/motion/motion.pid
    setup_mode = off
    camera_name = (not defined)
    logfile = /var/log/motion/motion.log
    log_level = 6
    log_type = all
    videodevice = /dev/video0
    v4l2_palette = 17
    input = -1
    norm = 0
    frequency = 0
    rotate = 0 …
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  10. How to ftp-upload a file with Python

    This script uploads a file to an FTP server

    import ftplib
    server = 'yourftpserver.something'
    username = 'yourusername'
    password = 'yourpassword'
    ftp_connection = ftplib.FTP(server, username, password)
    remote_path = "/home/yourusername/ftp"
    fh = open("filetouploadincludepath …
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  11. Raspberry Pi and Linux stuff to remember

    To add a user to the sudoers group

    Log into the Raspberry Pi as Pi, and add the user with

    sudo adduser <username>

    Then use usermod to add the user to the specified group:

    sudo usermod -G <group> -a <username>

    Group is the name of the group, for example sudo …

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  12. How to install rasbian

    ma. 25 juni 2018

    This is my notes on how I'm installing Rasbian on a 16GB SD card.

    • Download Rasbian from this link: Rasbian.
    • UnZip the file.
    • Check which drive it is. On my computer it is usually /dev/sde. Use the command:
    sudo fdisk -l
    • Then I use the command:
    sudo dd bs …
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