RPi - DHT22 and mySQL
This program read a DHT22 sensor. Then it get the hostname and the external IP address, and lastly adds the info to an external database.
import Adafruit_DHT
import ...14.12.23
Python: Simple face recognition
Before you can run this program, you'll need to install opencv-python and face_recognition.import face_recognition
import cv2
Python: Face recognition and compare with images from a folder
This program compares the image from the WEB camera, with images from a folder.
# Import the neccessary libraries
import cv2
import face_recognition
Python - 1: Introduction
Python, a versatile and dynamically-typed programming language, has emerged as a cornerstone in the world of software development. Conceived by Guido van Rossum in the late 1980s, Python's elegant ...
Python - 2: Variables and Data Types
Understanding Variables and Data Types in Python
Python, a high-level and dynamically-typed programming language, provides developers with a powerful and versatile toolset ...
Python - 3: Flow control
Mastering Control Flow with If Statements in Python
In Python, control flow structures empower developers to make decisions and execute specific blocks of code based on con...
Python - 4: Lists and loops
Exploring Lists and Loops in Python: A Comprehensive Guide
Lists and loops are foundational concepts in Python programming, offering powerful tools for handling collections...
Python - 5: Functions
Unleashing the Power of Functions in Python
Functions are a cornerstone of Python programming, offering a modular and reusable way to organize code. They allow developers t...
Python - 6: Filehandling
Mastering File Handling in Python: A Comprehensive Guide
File handling is a crucial aspect of Python programming, allowing developers to interact with external files, read ...
Python - 7: Libraries and modules
Harnessing the Power of Libraries and Modules in Python
Python's strength as a programming language lies not only in its simplicity and readability but also in its rich eco...
Tkinter 1: Introduction to Tkinter and GUI basic
Introduction to Tkinter and GUI Basics
Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) play a crucial role in enhancing the user experience of software applications. They provide a visual...
Tkinter 2: Advanced Tkinter Widgets and Layout Management
Advanced Tkinter Widgets and Layout Management
Tkinter, Python's default GUI toolkit, provides a robust foundation for building graphical user interfaces. As developers pro...
Tkinter 3: Data Input and Validation in Tkinter - Building Robust GUI Forms
Data Input and Validation in Tkinter: Building Robust GUI Forms
Creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) often involves collecting user input, a crucial aspect of applicat...
Tkinter 4: Building Interactive Applications with Tkinter - Unleashing the Power of User Engagement
Building Interactive Applications with Tkinter: Unleashing the Power of User Engagement
As developers aim to create dynamic and engaging applications, the ability to build ...
How to make a clock in Python and Tkinter
This little program will display a digital clock on the screen.
'''Import libraries'''
from tkinter import *
import time
SQL 1: Introduction to SQL and Basic Queries
Lesson 1: Introduction to SQL and Basic Queries
Welcome to the world of SQL, the language that empowers you to interact with databases...
SQL 2: Advanced Queries and Joins
Lesson 2: Advanced Queries and Joins
Welcome to Lesson 2 of our SQL course. Now that you have a solid understanding of the basic...
SQL 3: Data Modification and Transactions
Lesson 3: Data Modification and Transactions
Welcome to Lesson 3 of our SQL course. In this lesson, we'll delve into the world of data...
SQL 4: Indexing, Optimization, and Security
Lesson 4: Indexing, Optimization, and Security
Welcome to the final lesson of our SQL course. In this lesson, we'll explore advanced t...
Python: face recognition by comparing images in two folders.
To perform face recognition using Python, you can use a popular library called OpenCV along with a pre-trained deep learning model for face detection. In this example, I'll use the Dlib library for...
Python: Take a picture every minute and upload it
This little Python program takes a picture every minute, and uploads it to a webserver. Be sure to have a working web-server, with the proper rights. On the server you'll need this PHP program:
PHP: upload a image from a Python program
This file is called from this Python program: Python: Take a picture every minute and upload it
< ? php if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHO...18.08.24
C: Convert Lat Lon to MGRS
Creating a C program that converts latitude and longitude to the Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) without using any external libraries involves several steps. The MGRS is a geocoordinate standard...
Python: Lat Lon to MGRS
To convert latitude and longitude to Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) coordinates in Python, you can use the `utm` library and `mgrs` library. These libraries handle most of the heavy lifting, bu...