Testing out Apache and Pelican

After some time without my own web server, the urge to get one was too overwhelming. Like the last time, I put out one of my Raspberry Pi's and installed Rasbian. Then I installed Apache and PHP. Now, I needed to find a small CMS system, which was free, easy to use and work without a database, like mySQL, MariaDB and the like.

The research I did, led me to Pelican. This is a blog/cms system which generates static HTML files. This is perfect for me, as I do not want all the hassle with usernames and passwords, and databases and all that. Besides, speed is essential.

This site is kind of my notebook and is were I put things I need to remember, and to document some of my work. Some of the code are inspired from other people, that have been listed when I use Google.

Check out the items in the menu.

The current theme is: Blueidea
